1. The only person you can truly depend on is yourself.

2. Love and Trust.
4. Shut up and stop complaining.
6. Take care of your body.
7. Work as much as you can, while you can.
8. Have chill days by yourself.
9. Retail therapy is wonderful but learn to budget.
10. Procrastination is the worst habit.
11. Surround yourself with people who inspire you and/or make you happy.
12. Not everything is as bad as it seems.
13. Every mistake comes with a lesson.

14. Stop talking about others and comparing yourself to people.
15. Never settle.
16. Find a hobby.
17. Listen to the news to know what's going on around the world.
18. What goes around comes back around.
20. Carpe diem.
As this chapter of my life ends, a part of me also goes with it. I have so many goals and ambitions for what the next quarter entails . I'd like to think that your 20's are the best and worst years of your life. It's the time where you begin to explore the outside away from home and discover things that only come with age. I often forget how young we still are and how much of life is still ahead. We are just beginning to see what the real world really is.